Join Enroot’s Finance Committee, supporting and overseeing the financial operations of the agency and ensuring responsible fiscal stewardship of its resources. Supports the development of the budget and approves the annual budget.

Seeking general Board members. Each Enroot Board member is expected to actively participate in at least one Committee. Officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary) are also members of the Executive Committee, along with the Executive Director who is a non-voting Board member.

As the highest leadership body of the organization and to satisfy its fiduciary duties, the board as a collective is responsible for: determining the mission and purposes of the organization selecting and evaluating the performance of the CEO/Executive Director supporting the CEO/Executive Director in achieving the strategic plan and vision strategic and organizational planning ensuring…

Career Collaborative’s Mission is to teach unemployed and under-employed adults with low-income jobs how to build careers that strengthen families. What We Do: We build careers. We do this in three phases: job readiness, job search, and our unique 2-year post-placement career coaching. Who We Serve: We serve unemployed and under-employed adults with low-income jobs in the…

The board of directors has four primary responsibilities: Mission: create a clear, succinct mission statement that expresses the organization’s core values and reason for being and revisit this mission regularly, revising if necessary Oversight: establish appropriate checks and balances to ensure the organization is well managed and its mission is carried out Resource development: ensure the organization has…