Board Member
Career Collaborative

77 Summer St #11th+floor, Boston, MA 02111

Board Member

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Our board Career Collaborative’s Mission is to teach unemployed and under-employed adults with low-income jobs how to build careers that strengthen families. A strong Board of Directors is critical to the organizations long term success in achieving our mission. Our Board members help guide the organization towards a sustainable future by ensuring the organization practices sound governance and financial management, And, the Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring the organization always has adequate resources and excellent leadership to advance its mission.
The Board is composed of a group of highly successful executives with a wide range of experience. Board members should come from diverse backgrounds and must have demonstrated success and expertise in their respective fields as well us financial and business acumen. Board members should be well versed in matters of corporate governance and ideally, have prior nonprofit experience. The Board should be no more than 15 people at any given time and Board members are elected to three-year terms. Board members may serve up to two consecutive terms and may serve a third and final term after a one-year sabbatical.
Position Career Collaborative's Mission is to teach unemployed and under-employed adults with low-income jobs how to build careers that strengthen families. What We Do: We build careers. We do this in three phases: job readiness, job search, and our unique 2-year post-placement career coaching. Who We Serve: We serve unemployed and under-employed adults with low-income jobs in the Greater Boston area age 19 to 55. Our participants are a diverse group, with some coming from other regions of the world. Most of our clients' previous work experience consists of minimum-wage jobs. They are ready to start building a career, and benefit greatly from formal classes, one-one-one coaching, and learning from peers about the job application process, workplace culture, and how to continue advancing and building their career after landing a job.  Our Impact: Most of the clients who walk through our doors for the first time are making between $2,000 to $11,000 a year. Two years after completing our program, 70% of our clients have full-time jobs with benefits, and they're making approximately $32,000 a year. Approximately 70% of our clients who were placed in jobs in 2015 were still employed two years later in 2017.

A strong Board of Directors is critical to the organizations long term success in achieving our mission. Our Board members help guide the organization towards a sustainable future by ensuring the organization practices sound governance and financial management, And, the Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring the organization always has adequate resources and excellent leadership to advance its mission.
Desired skills
Branding, Coaching, Communications, Digital Marketing, Diversity/Inclusion, Fundraising, Human Resources, Legal, Marketing, Social Media
When The Board meets 6 times each year for 3 hours meetings and all Board members are expected to attend every meeting. A full year calendar is published before the end of the previous fiscal year.
Where Meetings are typically held at career Collaborative offices in Downtown Crossing: 77 Summer Street , 11th floor, Boston, MA 02110.
Commitment 1 to 3 hours/month
Donation Organization requires a specific amount of “give or get” for all board members.
Requirements The Board meets 6 times each year for 3 hours meetings and all Board members are expected to attend every meeting. Fundraising is of paramount importance to driving Career Collaborative’s growth. Therefore, all Board members are expected to play an active role in raising capital for the organization and should raise at least $10,000 through contributions donated or influenced in their first year and $20,000 per year by the end of their term. Board members are also expected to volunteer on at least one sub-committee: finance, development, governance, etc.
On-boarding As part of the on-boarding process, all new members receive personal orientation from the Chair of the Board and one of the board members.
Each new board member receives a welcome letter from the Chair and an invitation to meet 1-on-one to review a comprehensive PPT overview about career collaborative. The overview carefully outlines Mission, constituencies served through the mission; organizational history; program delivery methodology; donor profiles; fundraising events and guidance on fundraising give and get commitments. Additionally, each new Board member is paired up with an existing mentor to facilitate any questions during the first year of their term.
Additional Info Board members are elected to three-year terms. Board members may serve up to two consecutive terms and may serve a third and final term after a one-year sabbatical. Actively looking to fill position in 2019.
Our mission

Career Collaborative teaches unemployed and under-employed adults with low-income jobs how to build careers that change lives and strengthen families.
