Join us every Tuesday this summer as we go and water the tree seedlings we planted. We will meet at the TJ Maxx parking lot and caravan to a different planting site every time. Bring a camelback and/or any watering can you have full of water. If you show up 3 times or more you…

Sign up as a member of a neighborhood Clean Team and pick up litter whenever it’s convenient for you. It’s as easy as going out for a walk! Volunteers will pick up litter in their chosen neighborhood and report the amount of trash to Clean Tahoe.

Tahoe’s beaches are an amazing treasure, but they often suffer from overuse, especially during the summer. That’s why one of the League’s strongest volunteer programs is conducting beach cleanups throughout the summer and fall.

Volunteers of all ages and skill levels are invited to these fun, hands-on restoration days. By pitching in, you are improving the watershed habitats that surround Lake Tahoe. Healthy forests act as natural pollution filters to Keep Tahoe Blue.