Board Member – Technology
0Our board | We are looking for board members who are committed to adolescent health and are willing to give their time, talent, and treasure to improve the lives of young people in the greater Boston area. Board members should be collaborative, supportive, and driven by a desire for health equity. We are particularly looking for board members who share the lived experience of our young people. |
Position | We are in need of a board member who has experience with technology. |
Desired skills *required |
Data Analysis, Engineering, Multimedia, Web Design, Web Development, Information Technology* |
Commitment | 1 to 3 hours/month |
Donation | Organization strives for 100% board giving, but have no strict guidelines around financial contributions. |
Requirements | "Local Boards play a critical role in local decision-making and serve as champions for PHE in their community. They bring a diverse mix of time, talent, and treasure to the organization, both locally and as part of PHE's team of leaders across the country. In so doing, they strengthen PHE's ability to achieve its goals-from program impact to external affairs. Commitment -Serve a three-year term (with an opportunity to renew twice, if mutually agreed upon) -Make PHE one of your top philanthropic priorities, with a goal of reaching a $15,000 give/get -Lead at least one project drawing from the responsibilities below or serve on at least one committee -Attend at least 4 Board meetings a year in person or, if necessary, by phone -Engage directly with the program at least once per year (visit a workshop in a high school or attend a training at a college) Responsibilities In their role as local leaders, board members play a critical role in local decisions and serve as champions for PHE in the following ways: -Decision-making o Review and approve local budgets and goals o Approve the hiring of the Local Executive Director and support in his/her development and/or termination as needed o Advise on local challenges and opportunities (ranging from transportation issues to prospective college and high school sites) o Serve on committees and task forces with national Board members (such as the brand task force) o Assist the Chief Operating Officer and the Local Board Chair in the performance review of local Executive Director Championship -Make an annual financial contribution that reflects PHE as one of your top three philanthropic priorities, contributing to a $15,000 give/get -Participate in fundraising by identifying, cultivating, and supporting staff solicitation of individual, corporate, foundation, and government prospects -Accompany prospects and donors on-site visits as appropriate -Attend PHE-sponsored events and encourage attendance from your networks -Support PHE's exploration into alternative funding models by identifying thought partners or accompanying staff on visits -Identify opportunities for publicity, where appropriate -Recruit new Local Board members and help develop their progress within Peer Health Exchange -Increase PHE's network by inviting PHE staff to professional or social gatherings and connecting them to program and community contacts -Bring community and industry concerns to the attention of the Board and staff -Mentor PHE staff and college volunteers, as appropriate" |
Our mission | Peer Health Exchange’s mission is to empower young people with the knowledge, skills, and resources to make healthy decisions. We do this by training college students to teach a skills-based health curriculum in under-resourced high schools in the greater Boston area. |
Causes |