Board Member
0Our board | About Small House Inc. Small House Inc. was founded in 2021 and is a nonprofit on a mission to make a space where YAs can create the kind of lives they want to have as they transition out of being homeless and into independence. Centering their unique needs is part of how we do that. Young adults deserve the best possible chance to create a good life for themselves and we know that they can actually do it. They just need a little bit of help and a lot of support in the process. Locally, when we get 3 YAs housed through a rapid rehousing program, 19 more are still going without a placement and continue to wait. And research has shown that the longer an individual is in homlessness, the risk of them remaining in the cycle increases. What we are working on and exploring right now is an innovative and unique way to combine housing, life coaching, and community partnership. |
Position | As a new member of the board, you will be joining a group that is made up of entrepreneurs and professionals from the youth services space. We work to maintain and establish key partnerships with the local organizations who believe that community partnership and coordination is going to be the best way to support our youth. Your interest, participation, and support of this work will be critical as we work towards addressing the needs of our local youth and young adults who need our help. |
Desired skills *required |
Board, Finance, Fundraising, Human Resources, Legal |
When | Every 2 months |
Where | Virtual Meetings |
Commitment | 1 to 3 hours/month |
Donation | Organization strives for 100% board giving, but have no strict guidelines around financial contributions. |
Requirements |
Additional Info | As the highest leadership body of the organization and to satisfy its fiduciary duties, the board is responsible for:
Our mission | Our Mission is simple. Through housing and coaching, Small House partners with young adults to help them build their own pathway out of homelessness and be the creator of the kinds of lives they want to live. |
Causes |