Board Member
Raw Art Works

37 Central Square, Lynn, MA 01901

Board Member

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Our board The board of Raw Art Works is comprised of a diverse group of individuals representing many walks of life and backgrounds. It supports the work of RAW and provides mission-based leadership and strategic governance. While day-to-day operations are led by RAW’s Executive Director (ED), the board/ED relationship is a partnership, and a general understanding of RAW operations by the board is both critical and expected. Board members attend RAW’s signature fundraising event, and at least one program-related event annually, typically either RAW’s annual exhibit opening night, and/or spring film screening. They provide critical guidance of RAW through strategic opportunities, make connections to help elevate and drive the mission forward, and wherever and whenever possible, promote the work of RAW and our belief in RAW's kids.
Position RAW's Treasurer ensures the financial integrity of the organization.  We currently have a Treasurer, but he is nearing the end of his term limit, so we welcome someone with financial acumen onto the board, who will join the Committee, and ultimately assume leadership.

The Treasure leads the Finance Committee, ensuring completion of duties associated with that committee, including monthly meetings of the Committee.

They ensure that all appropriate tax forms and financial documents are filed with the government on a timely basis.

They serve on the Audit Committee to review the annual audit and provides recommendations that will lead to passage of the audit by the full board.  As a Board officer, they also serve on the Executive Committee which convenes on an as-needed basis.
Desired skills
When Every other month Sept.-June. Committee meetings occur a varying intervals, not more than x1/month.
Where Raw Art Works, 37 Central Square, Lynn, MA
Commitment 3 to 5 hours/month
Donation Organization strives for 100% board giving, but have no strict guidelines around financial contributions.
Requirements Share Raw Art Works’ work and values to the community, representing and promoting RAW as a spokesperson and ambassador in a positive and supportive manner.
Work in good faith with RAW staff and other board members as partners towards the achievement of our goals.
Participate in and take responsibility for the oversight of Raw Art Works' strategic and fiscal progress.
Make an annual personal financial contribution at a level that is meaningful to me.
Actively participate in the overall (fund) development effort for and by Raw Art Works.
Serve on committee(s) and take on special assignments as needed.
Attend at least 75% of board meetings, committee meetings.
Seek to bring resources to RAW in response to the needs as conveyed (such as introductions/networking, knowledge, visibility, financial resources) by ED and staff.
Attend RAW’s fundraiser, and at least one key programming event annually.
Spend approximately 3-6 hours per month on RAW board work, inclusive of attendance in at least one art group per year (i.e. during annual “Board Week”).
Provide support and advice to the staff but avoid interfering in management activities/day-to-day operations.
Always act for the good of the organization and represent the interests of all people served by the organization.
On-boarding This is an area we are looking to get much stronger at over time.
Our mission

To ignite the desire to create and confidence to succeed in our youth.
