Board Member

492 Waltham St, West Newton, MA 02465

Board Member

0 Reviews
Our board
Position The Directors are responsible for establishing policy and overseeing the general management and programmatic operations of the Corporation; appointing and establishing the compensation level of the Executive Director of the Corporation; creating and designating such special committees as it may deem necessary; approving the Corporation's annual budget, representing the Corporation in the community; and adopting such rules, policies and regulations, as it may from time to time deem advisable for the orderly conduct of the affairs of the Corporation.
Desired skills
When Generally the last Tuesday of every month from 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Where Post Covid-19 we are still meeting virtually
Commitment 1 to 3 hours/month
Donation Organization strives for 100% board giving, but have no strict guidelines around financial contributions.
On-boarding Onboarding of new Members is the responsibility of the Board Chair, Executive Director and the Board Affairs Committee. We are currently reviewing our onboarding procedures but our goal is to make new Members feel welcomed and appreciated from day one. We want them to develop a sense of purpose and belonging. We want them to understand expectations and goals. They should have access to all important Board documentation and ideally be partnered with a mentor. The goal of onboarding is to ensure that new Members can confidently speak to the mission, vision, and goals of both the Agency and the Board itself.
Additional Info

  • GIVE: Board members are expected to make a personally meaningful financial contribution.

  • GIVE/GET: Board members are expected to participate in fundraising activities & events, no specific amount stated.

  • Attend 10 meetings per year, 1.5 hours in length and are held virtually on weekday evenings.

  • Join at least 1 Committee

Our mission

To empower and strengthen families and the community by providing programs that nurture child development, promote effective parenting skills and supports working parents.
