Board Member
For Kids Only Afterschool (FKO)

194 Essex St, Salem, MA 01970

Board Member

0 Reviews
Our board For Kids Only Afterschool, Inc. is guided by a knowledgeable Board of Directors including community leaders and education professionals. With diverse experiences and perspectives on our board, FKO can continue to help families today and for many generations in the future. Members of our board live throughout the Greater Boston and North Shore areas to give input from all communities that we serve.
Position Our team is guided by a knowledgeable Board of Directors including community leaders and education professionals. With diverse experiences and perspectives on our board, FKO can continue to help families today and for many generations in the future. Members of our board live throughout the Greater Boston and North Shore areas to give input from all communities that we serve.
Desired skills
Data Analysis, Facilities, Finance, Fundraising, Human Resources, Public Relations, Research
When Once per month, Evenings
Where Virtually, twice annually in-person (North Shore, MA)
Commitment 3 to 5 hours/month
Donation Organization strives for 100% board giving, but have no strict guidelines around financial contributions.
Requirements College graduate; Good team player with a positive attitude and who share the similar motive to improve the health and well-being of children.
On-boarding Overview of For Kids Only Afterschool, introduction to all board members.
Additional Info For Kids Only Afterschool brings families and communities together to provide a safe space for all children to thrive during the out-of-school time hours. Our holistic learning approach helps children love, learn and grow while inspiring every child to leave their unique mark on this world.
Our mission

The mission of FKO is to provide year-round out-of-school time services that meet the needs of children and their families through academic, social and cultural opportunities that promote learning and self-esteem necessary for life-long success.
